In Evaluating the Prospect of Education Reforms, Ertas (2000;14) asserts, “the most important aspect of education is not the imparting of specific knowledge but rather the learning of how to find knowledge when it is needed, how to assimilate that knowledge, how to integrate that knowledge and how to synthesize new ideas and solve problems.”
As a learning community, FirstSteps recognises that the student agency and self-efficacy are fundamental to learning. The students are provided enriching opportunities to develop interrelated skills and associated sub-skills to become self-regulated learners, who are well-versed about asking good questions, set effective goals and pursue their aspirations with the determination to achieve them. The Approaches to Learning are grounded in the belief that learning how to learn is fundamental to a student’s education.
Learning at FirstStep
At FirstSteps School, we continuously refurbish, reinvent and appraise the classroom and teaching-learning strategies to create the most appropriate educational opportunities that any child deserves. Through sustained inquiries, students gain the knowledge, conceptual understanding, skills and dispositions to contribute to and make a difference in their own lives, their communities and the wider world.
We support student agency and foster self-efficacy by allowing students to take initiative, express interests and thoughts, make choices and set their learning goals. Students have a voice, choice and ownership for their learning. They are actively engaged, monitor and adjust their learning as needed. Our approach towards learning and teaching methodology ensures
that students are being exposed to a holistic education experience in an active and dynamic learning environment, giving them the opportunity to identify and realize their potential, and to achieve excellence in life. We believe that every student differs in their individual learning styles, and each student possesses a unique combination of multiple intelligences. Our integrated teaching methodology nurtures a stimulating learning environment to encourage students to learn at higher levels.